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9 FAANG Interview Questions And Answers [Guide For 2025 Job Seekers]

faang interview questions and answers

Alright, let’s huddle up! You’re diving into the FAANG coding interview world, and you’re probably wondering, “What in the tech-wizardry are they going to ask me?”. Totally get it! Let’s grab a virtual coffee and cut right to the chase. You’re looking for FAANG coding interview questions and answers, right? Specifically, the kind that actually help you prep, not just make you panic.

Well, consider this your friendly, no-BS guide. We’re ditching the formal stuff and talking like real people. Think of this as me spilling the tea (or coffee!) on 9 of the questions you might actually encounter. We’ll keep it clear, easy to grasp, and maybe even a little bit fun. Ready to unlock the secrets of FAANG interviews? Let’s dive in!

Your FAANG Interview Cheat Sheet: 25 Questions & Chill Answers

So, you know FAANG companies (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) are kinda a big deal, right? Their interviews are known to be… thorough. But don’t freak out! It’s all about knowing what to expect and practicing smart.

Algorithm Based FAANG Interview Questions

Algorithms are the heart of coding interviews. It’s how they see if you can think like a coder, not just code.

1. The Two Sum Classic: Finding Pairs That Add Up

Question: “Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target. You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.”

Answer : Okay, imagine you’re at a coffee shop (fitting, right?) and you have a bunch of bills in your wallet (nums), and you need to find two bills that add up to exactly your coffee price (target). Brute force would be checking every pair, but that’s slow. A smarter way? As you go through each bill, ask yourself: “What bill do I still need to reach the target?”. Store those “needed” bills in a “mental note” (a hash map/dictionary). If you find a bill that’s already in your notes, bingo! You’ve found your pair. Fast and efficient!

Code Snippet (Python):


def two_sum(nums, target):
    num_map = {} # Our "mental note" (hash map)
    for index, num in enumerate(nums):
        complement = target - num
        if complement in num_map:
            return [num_map[complement], index] # Found the pair!
        num_map[num] = index # Add current num and its index to notes
    return [] # Should not reach here as per problem statement

2. Palindrome Power: Is it the Same Backwards and Forwards?

Question: “Given a string s, determine if it is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases.”

Answer: Palindromes, like “racecar” or “madam”. We need to check if a word reads the same forwards and backwards, but we’re chill about capitalization and non-letter stuff. So, first, clean up the string: lowercase it and keep only letters and numbers. Then, you could reverse the cleaned string and compare, or use two pointers, one at the start and one at the end, moving inwards and checking if characters match. Two pointers is generally a bit slicker.

Code Snippet (Python):


def is_palindrome(s):
    cleaned_s = ''.join(char.lower() for char in s if char.isalnum()) # Clean the string
    left, right = 0, len(cleaned_s) - 1 # Two pointers
    while left < right:
        if cleaned_s[left] != cleaned_s[right]:
            return False # Not a palindrome
        left += 1
        right -= 1
    return True # It's a palindrome!

3. Valid Parentheses: Keeping Your Brackets Balanced

Question: “Given a string s containing just the characters ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘{‘, ‘}’, ‘[‘ and ‘]’, determine if the input string is valid. An input string is valid if: Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets. Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.”

Answer: Think of it like matching socks! Every opening bracket needs a matching closing bracket of the same type, and they need to close in the right order. A stack is your best friend here. When you see an opening bracket, push it onto the stack (like putting a sock aside). When you see a closing bracket, check if the stack is empty (mismatched!) or if the top of the stack is the matching opening bracket (match!). If it matches, pop from the stack (socks paired!). At the end, the stack should be empty if everything is valid.

Code Snippet (Python):


def is_valid_parentheses(s):
    stack = [] # Our sock pile (stack)
    mapping = {')': '(', '}': '{', ']': '['} # Bracket pairs

    for char in s:
        if char in mapping: # Closing bracket
            top_element = stack.pop() if stack else '#' # Get top, or default if empty
            if mapping[char] != top_element:
                return False # Mismatched!
        else: # Opening bracket
            stack.append(char) # Add to the pile

    return not stack # Stack should be empty if valid

4. Binary Search Bonanza: Finding a Number Fast

Question: “Given a sorted array of integers nums and an integer target, write a function to search target in nums. If target exists, then return its index. Otherwise, return -1. You must write an algorithm with O(log n) runtime complexity.”

Answer: Imagine you’re looking for a page number in a phone book (remember those?). You wouldn’t flip page by page, right? You’d open roughly in the middle, see if your number is higher or lower, and then narrow down your search by half each time. That’s binary search! It only works on sorted data. You keep dividing the search space in half until you find your number or narrow it down to nothing. Super speedy, especially for large sorted lists.  

Code Snippet (Python):


def binary_search(nums, target):
    low, high = 0, len(nums) - 1 # Start and end indices

    while low <= high:
        mid = (low + high) // 2 # Middle index
        if nums[mid] == target:
            return mid # Found it!
        elif nums[mid] < target:
            low = mid + 1 # Target is in the right half
            high = mid - 1 # Target is in the left half

    return -1 # Not found

5. Reverse Linked List Rumble

Question: “Given the head of a singly linked list, reverse the list, and return the reversed list.”

Answer: Think of a train, where each car points to the next. Reversing it means making each car point to the previous one. You’ll need to keep track of the current car, the previous car, and the next car. Iterate through the list, changing the next pointer of each node to point to the previous node. It’s a bit like juggling pointers, but if you visualize it car by car, it clicks.

Code Snippet (Python – Assuming ListNode class is defined):


def reverse_linked_list(head):
    prev = None # Previous node (initially None)
    current = head # Current node (start at head)

    while current:
        next_node = # Store the next node temporarily = prev # Reverse the pointer! Current -> Previous
        prev = current # Move 'prev' to current node
        current = next_node # Move 'current' to the next node we stored

    return prev # 'prev' will be the new head of the reversed list

Data Structure Delights: Mastering the Building Blocks

Knowing your data structures is like knowing your tools in a toolbox. You need to pick the right one for the job.

6. Hash Table Harmony Related FAANG Coding Interview Question

Question: “Explain what a hash table (or hash map/dictionary) is, how it works, and what are its common use cases.”

Answer: Imagine a super-organized filing cabinet where you can instantly find a file by its name. That’s kinda like a hash table! It stores data in key-value pairs. The “key” is like the file name, and the “value” is the file content. It uses a “hash function” to convert the key into an index (like a file folder number) for fast access. Lookups, insertions, and deletions are usually super quick (average O(1) time). Perfect for things like caching, indexing, frequency counting, or anything where you need to quickly retrieve data based on a key.

Key Concepts to Mention:

  • Key-Value Pairs: Data is stored as pairs of keys and values.
  • Hash Function: Converts keys to indices (hash values).
  • Collision Handling: Strategies for when different keys hash to the same index (e.g., chaining, open addressing).
  • Time Complexity: Average O(1) for insertion, deletion, lookup. Worst case can be O(n) if collisions are extreme.
  • Use Cases: Dictionaries in Python, Maps in Java/C++, caching, indexing, frequency counting, symbol tables in compilers, etc.

7. Tree Time

Question: “What is a binary search tree (BST)? Explain its properties and common operations.”

Answer: Think of a family tree, but for numbers! A binary search tree is a tree-like data structure where each node has at most two children (left and right). The special rule? Everything in the left subtree of a node is smaller than the node’s value, and everything in the right subtree is larger. This ordering makes searching super efficient (like binary search!). Common operations: searching (fast!), insertion (maintaining the order), deletion (trickier, needs rebalancing sometimes), finding min/max. BSTs are great for sorted data storage and retrieval.

Key Properties & Operations to Discuss:

  • Binary Tree Structure: Each node has at most two children.
  • BST Property: Left subtree values < node value < right subtree values.
  • Ordered Data: BSTs store data in a sorted manner.
  • Search Efficiency: Average O(log n) search time (balanced BST).
  • Insertion & Deletion: Operations to add and remove nodes while maintaining BST properties.
  • Traversal (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder): Ways to visit all nodes in a specific order.
  • Balanced vs. Unbalanced BSTs: Balanced BSTs (like AVL trees, Red-Black trees) prevent worst-case O(n) scenarios and maintain O(log n) performance.

System Design Snippets: Thinking Big Picture

System design questions are about showing you can think about scale and architecture. Don’t worry about knowing all the answers, it’s about the discussion.

8. URL Shortener System Design: Tiny URLs, Big Scale

Question: “Design a URL shortening service like TinyURL or”

Answer : Shortening those long, ugly URLs is a common need. Let’s sketch out the basics:

  1. Generate Short URLs: We need a way to create a short, unique code for each long URL. Base-62 encoding (using letters and numbers) is common. We’ll need a service to generate these short codes.
  2. Storage: We need to store the mapping between short URLs and long URLs. A database (SQL or NoSQL) is needed. For simplicity, a relational database could work initially.
  3. Redirection: When someone clicks a short URL, we need to redirect them to the original long URL. This requires a service that looks up the short URL in our database and redirects. Caching would be crucial here for speed.
  4. Scalability (Thinking Ahead): For a popular service, we’d need to consider scalability:
    • Load Balancers: To distribute traffic across multiple servers.
    • Database Sharding/Replication: For database scalability and reliability.
    • Caching (CDN): To cache redirects and improve response times globally.

Key System Design Considerations for URL Shortener:

  • Short URL Generation: How to create unique and short codes.
  • Mapping Storage: Database choice, schema, and scalability.
  • Redirection Service: Fast lookup and redirection.
  • Scalability: Handling high traffic and storage growth.
  • Error Handling: What if a short URL is invalid?
  • Customization (Optional): Allowing custom short URLs.
  • Analytics (Optional): Tracking click-through rates.

9. Rate Limiter System Design: Controlling the Flow

Question: “Design a rate limiter. How would you prevent a user from making too many requests to an API within a certain time window?”

Answer : Rate limiters are like bouncers at a club, making sure things don’t get too crowded. We need to limit how many requests a user can make within a time frame (e.g., 100 requests per minute).

  1. Identify Users: We need to identify users (e.g., by IP address, API key, user ID).
  2. Track Requests: For each user, we need to track the number of requests made within the time window. We can use a counter per user, stored in a fast cache (like Redis).
  3. Decision Logic: When a request comes in:
    • Increment the counter for the user.
    • If the counter exceeds the limit, reject the request (rate limited!).
    • If the counter is within the limit, allow the request.
  4. Time Window Management: We need to reset counters periodically (e.g., every minute). A background job or time-based eviction in the cache can handle this.
  5. Scalability (Again!): For distributed systems, we’d need a distributed rate limiter, possibly using a shared cache or a dedicated rate-limiting service.

Rate Limiter Design Aspects:

  • Identification: How to identify users/clients.
  • Counting Mechanism: How to efficiently track requests per user/time window.
  • Storage: Where to store request counts (cache is ideal for speed).
  • Policy Enforcement: How to enforce the rate limit (reject requests).
  • Scalability & Distribution: Handling rate limiting in a distributed system.
  • Algorithm Choice (Token Bucket, Leaky Bucket, Fixed Window Counter, Sliding Window Log): Different algorithms offer various trade-offs in terms of precision and performance.

FAQ Time: Your Quick Questions Answered

Let’s rapid-fire through some common interview prep questions!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is just knowing the answer enough for FAANG coding questions?

A: Nope! They care more about your process. How you think, how you break down the problem, how you communicate your approach. The code working is the goal, but the journey matters just as much.

Q: What if I get stuck during a coding question?

A: It’s normal! Don’t freeze. Talk through your thoughts, even if you’re unsure. Ask clarifying questions. Explain what you’ve tried and where you’re stuck. Interviewers are often looking at your problem-solving approach, not just getting a perfect solution immediately.

Q: What’s the best programming language for FAANG interviews?

A: Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript are all popular. Pick one you are strongest in and comfortable explaining. Python is often liked for its conciseness and readability in interviews.

Q: How important is system design for new grads or junior roles?

A: System design becomes increasingly important as you move to mid-level and senior roles. For new grads, the focus is more on data structures and algorithms, but basic system design awareness is a plus. For experienced roles, system design is often a major part of the interview process.

Q: Where can I practice these types of questions?

A: LeetCode and HackerRank are your best friends! LeetCode is particularly popular for FAANG-style questions. Practice regularly, focus on understanding patterns, not just memorizing solutions. Also, mock interviews are gold!

Q: Should I memorize solutions?

A: Absolutely not! Memorizing is a trap. Understand the underlying principles and problem-solving techniques. Focus on being able to derive solutions, not just recall them. Interviewers can easily tweak questions to see if you truly understand.


Alright, friend, that’s our quick coffee break on FAANG coding interview questions! Hopefully, this gives you a clearer picture and some solid starting points for your prep. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Consistent practice, focused learning, and a chill attitude will get you way further than frantic cramming.

Now, go code, conquer, and maybe treat yourself to a real coffee after some practice sessions. You got this! 😉

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